Foyers Angling Club 1984
L-R Paul Higham & Billy Cameron
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
Brian Allaway
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
Charlie Maclaren
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
L-R Charlie Maclaren & Brian Urquhart (Taxi driver)
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
Louis Macgruer
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
L-R Gerry Brue & Leslie Stoddart
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club 1984
L-R Raymond Breau & David Irvine
Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Foyers Angling Club Stoddart Cup 1984 Back standing L-R Sandy Steel, George Ryback, Ian Abbot? or Jim Macintosh?, Paul Higham, Ala Macgruer, Brian Allaway, ????, ????, Kenny Macpherson, Peter Macpherson, Bill Brown ( Castle St fishing shop). Front Pat Stewart, Peter Lutic, Gerry Breau, Kenny Ross. Photograph courtesy of Buddy Macdougall
Jock Mackay in February 1980 managed to take from Loch Ness, a monster fish (Salmon) of thirty three pounds, whilst fishing alone as his companion did not think that the days fishing would bear any fruit Photograph courtesy of Alister Chisholm.