On Saturday 24th August, the heritage group organised a walk from Whitebridge to Glenlia, Foyers as our annual outing.

distance of c3.5 miles, the route is known as the bona fide travellers walk. Under licensing laws, until 1962, alcohol could only be served on a Sunday in a hotel or inn and only to those who were at least 3 miles from home or the place where they had stayed the previous night.

As a result people from Foyers walked to Whitebridge Hotel for a drink on a Sunday no doubt passing people from Whitebridge walking to Foyers Hotel for the same reason!

A group of around 35 met at Wildside Centre for a presentation on key heritage sites and points of interest that they would see along the way. This gave both walkers and those unable to walk the ability to learn more about the route. The presentation was led by group chair, Alister Chisholm assisted by Bob Main, Janet Sutherland, Allan MacDonald, Morag MacNeil (who provided us with English translations of the many Gaelic place names along the route) and Fiona Larg.

Molly Fraser helped greatly to incentivise the walkers at the start by offering us her delicious home made chocolate chip cookies!

Thankfully we chose a dry and quite sunny day for the walk which took around 2 hours to complete with numerous stops along the way to note points of interest and listen to stories of folklore.

Many of those completing the walk took advantage of Morag Cameron’s café for lunch at the Glenlia end and some of the group chose to then walk back to Whitebridge.

A most enjoyable and informative day out for all who attended.

Dell Illustrated Walk starting Whitebridge (bottom of map):

Gaelic Map Names: written by Morag MacNeill

Gaelic                                    (Pronounced)                                  Translation

Cinn a’ Bhreilidh (Ceann a’Bhraigh Leith) = ( Kinbrylie ) = Head of the green/blue brae

An Dairlinn (Alit)/ Tom Aiteachaidh (Alit )/ Ach’ an Diathaich

Cam na ((Dalaria(bh)ach)) Craig a’ Chait Boineid Odhar (‘s Cave) Fuaran an Eich Bhain Cam a’ Bhreabadair Cam a’ Bhealaidh The “Uachdar” Creag /Dail Bhreac Glen (Gleann) Liath

= (in Dawr.leen) = Isthmus/low water access island = (Ah.00lt)/Towm Ah-tchachee) = Cultivated/inhabited hill(/stream) = (Ah.00lt)/Ach in Jee.eech) = Field (stream) of the (un?)godly; :poss. other – of the Destruction/of the Poor or needy = (carn ni Dala.ree.ach) = Rocky stack of the ((Stripey/Brindled Dell))

(crick ‘i chetch ) (Bonnetch Ow.er) (‘s cave) = (Foo.i.ran in yey.ch Vah.n) (Carn i vreh.ppitar ) (Carn i v.yelley ) (The Ooch.ker) (Crick/ Dal Vrech.k) (Glen L.yee.i )

The Rock of the Cat Cave of Dun Bonnet Spring (well) of the White Horse Stack of the kicker, poss. cranefly Stack of the Broom bushes The ‘Top’- a walk round high Creag Speckled Rock/Dell Green/blue Glen