Heritage Links

Below you will find a list of web links that we hope you  will find useful. If you would like a link with us please contact the Editor.

Boleskine Statistical Accounts 1791-1845

Strathnairn Heritage Association


Glengarry Heritage Centre

Am Baile

Lessons By Loch Ness

Cathness Field Club (History of Foyers)

 Boleskine Camanachd Club

South Loch Ness Access Group

The Dumnaglass Cairn (Clearance 1890’s)

Highland Archive Centre

National Records of Scotland .Scotlands People  (Family History)

Copyright © 2014 SLNHG all rights reserved

9 Responses to Heritage Links

  • My friends grandfather Jospeh Allan was one of Lovats Scouts in the Anglo Boer War — I cannot find any trace of where he was born and wonder if it could be in your records. Also there are so many Joseph Allans. I can find no shipping records of his arrival and return to and from South AFrica
    thanks so much for your help on this
    Diana Armstrong

    • We hold no records for the Lovat Scouts, you could try the Highlander Museum Fort George they might be able to help or point you in the right direction

  • Good morning,

    I have been reading an article of yours regarding the bombing of the aluminium works. There is mention of a Donald Fraser the factory foreman who sustained an injury to his left foot. He was my great-grandfather, I read this article out to my mum, who had never heard this before. Her mother was Donald’s daughter, who left Foyers during/after the war.
    I just wanted to say thank you, as it was so interesting to have a snapshot of something that had happened in Foyers, especially as it had a mention of an ancestor of ours. One day, I hope to be able to visit Foyers again, having only been once as a child.

    L Trett

  • Does anyone know about a missing boy incident that happened in Dores in 1949. I am told there was a newspaper article about it at the time. So far, searching microfilm of various papers in the area at that time has yielded nothing. Hoping someone may offer a new lead or additional information. It would be much appreciated.

  • Good morning. I recognise two people in the school photo from Foyer 1916. Can you give me an email address so I can send a copy of the photo with the two people circled

    Thank you

    Debra Daulby née MacDonald

  • Hi there can you tell me if you have any knowledge of any stones that were lifted as a test of strength. Usually on coffin roads but not always. Many thanks

  • Hi there do you know of a lifting stone that was lifted as a test of strength in the Area

  • I think my family originally lived in a farm area called Sherrageg. Clan McKillop. We had to leave after Culloden and then immigrated to US, we settled with other Highlander’s and created plantations in Louisiana and Mississippi, and South Carolina. Any body know about the McKillop’s? We have good history from when they migrated to present day.

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