Sports and Pastimes.

Foyers Angling Club
Foyers Angling Club was active from the mid 1970 till around early 2005, the dates are only approx. as records are scant and present Covid restrictions make accessing public records very difficult. After a day’s boat fishing in Loch Ness, the anglers would gather at Foyers Hotel to get their catches weighed on the scales there. There has been a long tradition of salmon fishing in Loch Ness, the British Aluminium Factory 1895-1967 used to have boats which their workers used when not working at shifts in the factory. We believe that the Angling Club had existed previously in their time but cannot confirm it conclusively. There are reports on the open day salmon fishing catches on Loch Ness (currently 15th January) in newspapers back in the nineteen century, which state figures caught on the first day, that current anglers would dream of for the season. The club hosted several competitions over the season, Grouse Trophy, McKinley Trophy, Glenfiddich Cup, Breau Shield, Stoddart Cup (heaviest catch on competition day), Jock Mackay Cup, The Diver Cup ( a carved fish on a stand for best juvenile for the season, the trophy made and donated by Peter Grant). After the end of the fishing season 15th October there was generally an evening prize giving buffet dance held in Foyers Hotel. On the walls of the public bar of Foyers hotel there were pictures of catches made by the club members, the majority below were of 1984 from a picture collage given to the Heritage Group by Buddy Macdougall who had the hotel around that time. Other stalwarts of the angling fraternity in Foyers not pictured here were Ken Brown, Jock Mackay, Lachie Smith, John Cathcart, Kevin Stewart, Andy Breau.
A couple of poems about fishing on Loch Ness from two local notable fishermen are to be found on the Boleskine Camanachd Club website. Click Here
For further reading, we include a link to the story of a Foyers fisherman credited with giving one of the first reports in the newspapers, of the mythical creature of Loch Ness. Click Here

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