Following requests received to the Heritage group after the Boleskine Community Care AGM, for a more formal showing of Heritage Groups photos that were displayed on in a rolling slideshow during the tea break, after the main business of the AGM . It was decided to have an event targeting the older residents and former resident of the area, showing Heritage photographs, including the Rose Fortune Collection to stimulate interest in local heritage. Also to see if some of the photos containing unknown people could be identified.
The event, to an invited audience and general public was held on Jan 24th to a good turnout despite the blustery weather. The photos were displayed on a screen via a projector. Bob Main controlling the projector displaying of the photos , Alister Chisholm did the commentary on the photos whilst Morag Macneil, Alison Randall and Heather Parrot, recorded the names of people identified and stories associated with people and places . Prior to the event commencing and during tea intermission Scottish music was played by Ernie Randal and Alex Sutherland .
The afternoon proved a great success and was enjoyed by the attendees as they recalled people and days of long ago from the Stratherrick and Foyers area .
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