Kenny and Margaret Ross presentation on retiring from Foyers Stores and Tearoom c1969. Hugh Gray (Foyers), Donald Macphee (Schoolmaster Foyers), Margaret Ross, Alister Chisholm (Gorthleck),Kenny Ross, Maimie Gibson, Jock Fraser Whitebridge) Willie Batchen (Foyers). Photograph courtesy of Kenny Ross
Dores Senior Citizens Club Trip 1988.
September 1988 members of the newly formed Dores Senior Citizens Club ready for their bus trip to Glenfiddich Distillery , Dufftown. Club organisers Donnie Macintosh and Jackie Paske. L-R as heads appear:- 1 Mr Gauld, 2 Mrs Mackay (Aldourie), 3 Dan Mackintosh, 4 Lily Fraser, 5 Betty Pethick, 6 Beatrice Forbes, 7 Mr Mackay (Aldourie), 8 Rod Mackenzie, 9 Mary Macintosh (Strath Gardens), 10 Jimmy Forbes , 11 Mrs Mackenzie, 12 Jimmy Riddle, 13 Margaret Mearns, 14 Eveline Insch, 15 Mary Macintosh (Torr Gardens), 16 Grace Riddle, 17 Stella Fraser,18 Muriel Robertson, 19 ????. On bus
inside Donny Macintosh, on steps the driver. Photograph courtesy of Moira McCallum.
Sadie Chisholm behind the counter of Gorthleck Post Office in 1974. She was postmistress in Gorthleck for 24 years . Photograph courtesy of Alister Chisholm
Foyers Firefighters 1949 the only two known are front right Kenny Macpherson & Duncan Shaw .
Dores Church of Scotland Woman’s Guild L-R Lilly Fraser, Betty MacDiarmid, Margaret Mearns, Jean Grant, Sadie Hipkins, Grace Macgillivray, Mrs Christy, Mary Campbell , 8 Margaret Macintosh, Marjory Grant
Possibly Stratherrick Young Farmers trip to a Town Show C1950 left to right:-
Aly Fraser( Dell),Dulcie (Fraser)MacAskill), Calum MacAskill( Ballagan), Effie (MacAskill)Mackenzie, Sadie (Moles)Chisholm, Willie Urquhart ( Hairline only) , next unknown, Christine( Stoddart)Shaw, John MacAskill( Ballagan), Sybil (Stoddart)Ross and Geordie Macintosh (Mulach). Photograph courtesy of Alister Chisholm.
Chrissy Mackay. Photograph courtesy of Anne Marie Fraser.
L-R Anne Marie Fraser, Carol Munro & Margaret-MacDonald with todays catch . Photograph courtesy of Anne Marie Fraser.
Dan Fraser and Alistair Colquhoun with accordion in Foyers Club. Photograph courtesy of Anne Marie Fraser.
Kate Fraser & Maisie-Gordon . Photograph courtesy of Anne Marie Fraser.
Group photo possible a British Alumilium 30 year club bus trip hence Jack Maclean in uniform. Taken around late forties early Fifties, the location is unknown. Quite a few Foyers men have been identified, it is possible some men are outwith the district. 1 , 2 Fred Scott , 3 ,4 Jack (Jackas) Maclean , 5 (Popper Dan) Dan Maclean, 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 , 10 , 11 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 Hugh Gray , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 Malcom (Tuggie) Maclennan, 21, 22, 23, 24 , 25 26, 27, 28 Wilfred (Bill) Hardy, 29 , 30 , 31 . If you can identiy anyone please get in contact. Photo courtesy of David Maclennan ,
Group at Foyers Factory Field possibly a sports day L-R 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . 6 . Some men appear in Foyers Group 47-54. If you can identify anyone please get in contact. Photo courtesy of David Maclennan
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