Macpherson/Ross Family Photographs
The following photos are from old family albums in possession of Kenny Ross, who’s father Ken ran the local shop and tearoom at Foyers. Kenny mother was the daughter of Kenneth James Macpherson the cashier at the BA factory at Foyers . K J Macpherson was born in Inverness in 1880 and was the son of John Macpherson who run the Gellion’s Hotel .On leaving school Kenneth joined the Caledonian Banking Company Limited on High St ( now the Caledonian Public House), as a business apprentice, and by 1904 was the banks accountant with his name appearing on bank notes issued at that date onwards. In 1906 the Caledonia Bank, now in financial difficulties merged with the Bank of Scotland. Preferring to stay in the Highlands rather than being posted south Kenneth moved to Foyers and took up the post as Cashier with the British Aluminium Factory there. Kenneth, who married Susan Emma Macdonald at Dunkeld in 1905, stayed during their time in Foyers, in the company’s house the Cairns. They had three of a family Moira, Margaret and Kitty. Moira never married whilst Kitty married Dan Munro and Margaret married Ken Ross
KJ was awarded the Carnegie Hero Trust Fund medal in 1915 for saving the local postman John Mackenzie who when bringing a trolley containing the mails delivered by the evening mail streamer Glengarry, slipped and fell into the water at Foyers pier. KJ who was working nearby, on hearing the shout of alarm rushed to the pier edge and saw Mackenzie in difficulties and slightly submerged.
Kenneth, who was a strong swimmer, removed his coat and vest and dived into the water near where he had last seen the postman, who had now disappeared under the water. Kenneth searched underwater round the place where he last saw John Mackenzie, and found him then dragged him to safety along side the pier face. Kenneth then assisted the postman to climb up the pier face and was hoisted on to the landing by some of the Glengarry crew. After acknowledging his indebtedness to his gallant rescuer and receiving congratulation on his narrow escape, the postman then resumed his postal duties. (Unlike today no counselling after such a traumatic event “just get on with it”).
Kenneth who was keen on all sports, his favourite participating one, was swimming. In his youth, he played water polo and as a member of the Inverness ASC team won the Scottish National championship in 1909. The first time a national championship of any sport came to Inverness.
Whilst in Foyers he was involved with the Tug of War team, Rifle Shooting Club, Foyers & Boleskine Shinty Clubs , the Free Gardeners , reporting the news events locally to the press . Kenneth was also grandmaster of the St Mary’s Masionic Lodge in Inverness between 1932-34. After 39 years with the BA he retired in 1946 to live back in Inverness.
Ken Ross, who was originally from Thurso and came to Foyers in 1929 as a van driver. He married Margaret Macpherson in 1935 and in 1936 he took over the General Merchants shop in Upper Foyers. Ken and Margaret had three of a family Jill, Ian and Kenny. Ken run the shop and tearoom there along with a grocery travelling shop travelling round the Stratherrick and Foyers district till he left the area in c1969, to become Stewart of the new Inverness Masonic club.
Ken was also involved with the local community, running the Old Folks Fund, the children’s Christmas party, and was president for many years with Boleskine Shinty Club.
If anyone has any photos showing the interior of Foyers Shop or Tearoom could they please get in touch as , it would be good to see what the shop interior was like years ago .