In light of the current Coronavirus pandemic, we cancelled our March talk “Maps, map makers and map making; stories from the Lovat Estate by Roland Spencer Jones . We hope to have this in 2021 sometime, dependent on the current situation at the time .
For our Summer event this year we had hoped have two trips ,one to Invergarry Railway Station to see the work done by the Invergarry Station Preservation Society + we hoped to visit the the restored Kirkmichael Church in the Black Isle to look at the restoration work inside the church and adjoining graveyard . In light of current restrictions these will not now go ahead , we hope to hold these trips some time in 2021, all dependent on situation at time . Our talk in October following our AGM was to be by Norman Newton , “”Inverness Klondikers in the Yukon, 1898: Four explorers and an eccentric Free Church minister”, again this was cancelled we hope to have this in 2021, dependent on the current situation at the time .
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