7:30pm Tuesday 25th October, at Wildside, Whitebridge.
Preceded by the Heritage Group AGM
Jim will talk about the roll the Kirkmichael Trust had, in the restoration of ancient and derelict buildings at Kirkmichael in the Black Isle. Also the creation of a unique display of medieval ornamental crosses within the building and the ongoing repairs to old memorials within the adjoining graveyard.
All Welcome. Admission is free, but a collection will be taken at the meeting
The Heritage Group are still actively seeking new committee members to assist with their current and future projects. If you are interested please contact Bob Main or Alister Chisholm.
South Loch Ness Heritage Group
Public Meeting at Wildside on Tuesday 27th September 2022
Alister Chisholm gave an illustrated talk to an audience of around 25 people, on the subject of his researches in to the background of those named on the Stratherrick War Memorial from both World Wars. This research was the basis for the publication of his book, “Lest You Forget” which was launched in December last year.
Alister focussed on a few individual men to show how his work had uncovered interesting facts about them, which even their descendants were unaware of. His searches also unearthed previously unknown photographs, which in some cases showed more than one person named on the memorial and expanded the family history in these instances.
In the case of an airman killed in WW2, whose name had been missed off the memorial. Alister has arranged for it to be added, with the thanks of his surviving, elderly daughters.
The South Loch Ness Heritage Group have organised a field trip on the 2nd July at 12 noon to the refurbished Medieval Kirkmichael in the Black Isle, between Resolis and Jemimavile. The Kirkmichael Trust have repaired the ancient and derelict buildings at Kirkmichael and created a unique display of medieval ornamental crosses within the building. The trust are still actively repairing the old memorials within the adjoining graveyard. For our visit we will be met at 12 noon by their chairman Dr Jim Mackay, who will guide us throughout our time on site. If you could let Alister Chisholm 01463715713 or know if you would be interested in going to gauge numbers. See link for information on the site.
Summer Trip to Invergarry & Fort Augustus Railway Museum
Saturday 18 September
further details contact Bon Main 01456486317
This event has unfortunately been cancelled
7.30pm, Wednesday 22nd September, Stratherrick Hall
Inverness Klondikers in the Yukon, 1898: four adventurers and an eccentric Free Church minister
Normans will relate the story of their experiences and actions in getting to Skagway, Alaska, their perilous trip up to the goldfields of the Klondike and the rewards if any they achieved there. The Eccentric Free Church minister was from Stratherrick
Norman’s presentation will be preceded by a short AGM.
Due to Covid, for this event at Stratherrick Hall the wearing of masks will be compulsory for everyone, no exceptions during the period you are in the building. This is for the protection of yourself and others attendees of the event. Sanitizer will be provided and list of Attendees for track and trace will be taken . Dress warmly as hall window may be open to give ventilation. This event will be hopefully broadcast simultaneously on Zoom. If you are interested on viewing on this platform contact Alister Chisholm
South Loch Ness Heritage Group after a gap in 2020 have produced this year their calendar, Boleskine and Dores Calendar 2021. Featuring pictures around our area of bygone times. On Sale now cost £12, Ideal Xmas present . Contact Alister Chisholm 01463715713
I congratulate you on your website & the wonderful historic work you are undertaking. I have been to the area on 2 occasions: in 1995 and again last August.
A couple of locals seemed to think that at one time there was a baker named Burnett in the area.
On this visit I specifically looked for where the farming properties may have been where my 4Xg grandfather Alexander Burnett and his family farmed: Ballangan (farm area at time of death),‘Ballichirnock’ (1861 census- 40 acres),and Culduthel (where he died). From my search I’m inclined to think that the first 2 places were near Fargaig, and Culduthel further north towards Inverness. Also on the Linton gravestone Leadolurs.
All these 3 families originated in the Borders: Ettrick, Yarrow, Selkirk, and Ashkirk areas. By 1830 Alexander Burnett (& Helen Stoddart & young family) was a shepherd in the Loch Broom area. Continue reading