Bunchruben School

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2 Responses to Bunchruben School

  • My father Hugh MacKay and h is brother and sisters James, Mary and Christina, all went to Bunchrubin school from 1915 until 1926. They were taught by Miss Margaret Gow, later to become Mrs Johnstone, they lived at Bunchrubin Farm and I have several prize books that were awarded to them over the years, I also have a gold watch presented to my gran on leaving the district in Nov 1926 by the folks of Strnatherrick, it is inscribed and I also have a newspaper cutting describing the event. I kept in touc h with Mrs Johnstone until. her death after she moved to Melvich and also with her neic e Ada (Christina) Johnstone until her death last year. Anotherr person I was in contact with was Alasdair Fraser, my g.g.grandfathers sister Margaret Mackay married William Fraser ofMuirnich in 1828.

    • Dear Shiela ,
      My name is Margaret Norrington ( née Johnstone) I’m sister of Ada Billy& Duncan .
      I have looked at the above response many times over the last few years and tonight the light bulb lit up and I now wonder if the above Hugh MacKay was related to a Mrs McKay whom my mother , Ada & myself used to visit in Kirkhill , I remember her with great fondness, loved when the day came to see her . Now Shiela I may have this completely wrong if so I apologise, perhaps if we can communicate you will be able to inform me .

      Yours Margaret .

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